Anyone who begins to explore will quickly learn this platform is truly a road to self discovery.
How it Works
Pinterest began as a way to catalog bookmarks to web addresses users would like to be able to easily find again in the future. The concept is simple: there are boards (like digital bulletin boards) and pins (like digital thumbtacks). Users can enter an interest they'd like to explore into the Pinterest search engine and view options from there, or they can scroll through the opening page Pinterest provides, which has random pins. I used to think these were the most recent things people around the Pinterest world had pinned--because sometimes I see things like "such-and-so just pinnned this X minutes ago"--but now I think it's probably more of a mix of recent and relevant pins. Pinterest starts learning a user's interests after all, and can show them more of what they're into! When a user sees something they'd like to pin, they click on the pin button and choose what board makes sense for them to be able to find it again later.
I suspect Pinterest is gaining more and more popularity the bigger it gets just by the way it works. Users are adding pins every minute. This then creates more pins for other users to see and consider pinning onto their own boards, plus there's a button you can download to be able to push when you're at any web address, and it will create a new pin or give you choices of existing pins for that same place from which to choose.
A Surprising Revelation
What I've found most interesting about Pinterest so far is there are the interests I already know I have--and mine are all over the place to begin with (46 boards and 1,624 pins to date and I'm a relative newcomer)--but then there are nuggets of inspiration that pop up and I think, "Ooh, I've got to pin that somewhere."
Suddenly I have a board started on something in which I never knew I had an interest! Judging by the funny Pinterest cartoons which occasionally pop up regarding such, I find I am far from alone in this epiphany.
Try it--but Beware!
I find--with any Social Media platforms--I become obsessed for a time while I'm learning it, then my habits settle down and I can appreciate it without living it 24/7. With Pinterest, I'm still in the guilty pleasure stage. Whenever a new topic comes up which I haven't yet explored, I find myself counting the hours until I can get back to a computer where I can access my Pinterest account and look it up.
If you haven't tried it yet, be forewarned, you'll most likely LOVE it and may need to set some time aside where it won't annoy others around for you to be on the computer awhile.
Something for Everyone
I recently overheard a man telling another man Pinterest wasn't for men, and I thought to myself, "Wow, that is so wrong!"
First of all, I've seen men's names who have repinned my pins (users get a notice whenever this happens), so I know there are already men taking advantage of what Pinterest has to offer.
Second, I've bumped into all kinds of things my husband would enjoy reading, music he'd enjoy listening to, humorous cartoons he'd enjoy seeing, artwork he'd appreciate, landscaping ideas and other DIY projects he'd really dig, animal shots he'd love, quotes and data he could use in staff presentations (he's a school principal), etc. My money's on his making full use of this medium at some point in the near future, and I know he'll be glad he did!
You're Always at Home on Your Pinterest Page
I'd be more inclined to think a lot of men wouldn't be very interested in some of the other social media platforms, where the gift of gab, a penchant for scrapbooking and an interest in keeping up with a multitude of friends all at once are more the skills involved. With Pinterest, every time a user returns to their home page, it really is like coming home because it's everything they've pinned themselves--things they love, things about which they want to learn more, things pinned solely by them for them! I know--when I open up to my Pinterest page--I really do feel at home. I can't name another platform to which I've been so tickled to return day after day. We'll see if this lasts longer than the others I've explored, but I really feel it's a different adventure altogether, and will be something to which I will continue to refer others in the future.
Speaking of which...the next time you find something online you'd like to be able to access again, try pinning it--I'll bet you'll be glad you did and I'd love to hear your story if you get a chance to comment below.
If you're already taking advantage of Pinterest, good for you and you'll no doubt get the reference in Today's Quote below.
Happy pinning!
Today's Quote:
"Keep Calm and Pin Something."
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